New Hampshire Nature Notes
by Eric Orff
New Hampshire's Trapping Season is underway now. (VIDEO)
Sunday 11/01/2020
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has regulated trapping in the state for decades. And don't the trappers need to jump through some hoops to trap here. All trappers must take a trapper education course before they can buy a license. Trappers must secure land owner written permission before setting any traps and they must give a copy of that permit to the local Conservation Officer BEFORE setting any traps. Traps must have the owners name on them. I could go on and on. Trapping only occurs where land owners wish it to happen and then under the watchful eye of the Fish and Game Department. Trappers are very woods wise and often generous with their knowledge and skills.
Previous Note
NH Fish and Game Wildlife Biologist Patrick Tate does a deer biological check (VIDEO)