New Hampshire Wildlife News
by Certified Wildlife Biologist, Eric P. Orff

New Hampshire Nature Notes
by Eric Orff

Our long days are bringing so much life to New Hampshire.

Thursday 06/11/2020

I noticed last evening that even at nine PM I could still see shapes on my lawn. Yes the days have grown pretty long the last couple of weeks. And so has the grass in the hayfield across the road and pretty much most of our wildlife. 
June is fox month in New Hampshire. It was always the month that I dealt with lots of calls about folks seeing foxes out and about during the day during my three decade career at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Folks were always worried that it must be a "rabid fox". I assured them it was just mom and dad fox looking for food for their very hungry little ones. In fact lots of things are on the move as the mothers wean this years young of year. 
Lots of this years baby wildlife will be on the move too. Even some of them during the day. They have a lot to learn in order to survive in the wild in the few short months before winter. Most in fact will not survive. So pay attention while driving and keep an eye out on your cat and dog so they are not killing off these youngsters.
The family of robins in my front yard hatched off last Sunday and the house wren nesting in a bird house nearby must have done the same as there is constant action there too. I love to set outside in the afternoon to see all the things happening right before my very eyes. One that just takes a little time to figure out what is going on. But, for most folks, no doubt, things that just are not noticed. This time of year so much is happening right around your house that it sure does pay to pay attention. So grab a drink, sit down and stare a while. Mother Nature to me is like an onion. To see all of it you must peel back one layer at a time. Seems like it takes at least fifteen minutes per layer to peel into the next layer of life that is all about you. You simply are missing it if you don't take the time.
At last this week I finished planting my garden. My two granddaughters were such help this year. As well as my daughter at critical times. The Girls were there for most of the planting. Placing the seeds just the right space apart in the rows. I often just took the hoe and drew a line in the soil . Then they, cut a trench, planted the seeds, covered it up and finally spread a bit of fertilizer along the top. I am so lucky to have them available and willing to help. I figure learning how and when to plant a garden may serve them well their whole lives. After all, since this pandemic hit it seems like our lack of concern where our food comes from has changed a bit. I did notice that change as I tried to find some new bean seeds this week. Well forget it. The seeds are pretty much all gone. This was a bit of a shock to us long-time gardeners. Thankfully I had stocked up in March with some seeds expecting some competition this year. I did find an older package of bean seeds in my "seed box" and finished the garden with a couple rows of beans. Done and done. Well I did have to set up my sprinkler system  Now I'll be on weed patrol pretty much for the rest of the summer. I am thinking I'll have some new potatoes by early July. Can't wait!

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Won't you help grandma turtle get across the roads in New Hampshire. (VIDEO)

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Sizzling Summer is here.

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