New Hampshire Wildlife News
by Certified Wildlife Biologist, Eric P. Orff

New Hampshire Nature Notes
by Eric Orff

Climate Security Act Voted on Today

Friday 06/06/2008

Senator Sununu Voted for Action on Climate Change,
While Senator Gregg Sided with Big Oil to Block Progress

EPSOM, NH (June 6) – Eric Orff released the following statement on behalf of the National Wildlife Federation regarding today’s unsuccessful effort in the U.S. Senate to overcome the stalling and filibuster tactics of those opposed to global warming legislation.

Senator Sununu voted in favor of action on the Climate Security Act (S. 3036), while Senator Gregg did not. Senator Gregg was not able to attend today’s vote, however he indicated in a statement that he would not have voted to end the filibuster.

“Senator Sununu should be commended for voting in favor of action on the Climate Security Act. He clearly has heard the concerns of New Hampshire’s citizens on the urgent need to address global warming.
“The Climate Security Act would have recharged New Hampshire economy by protecting and creating clean energy jobs and would have helped America break our addiction to oil.”
“Today, the Climate Security Act got the most support ever for a climate bill. Forty-eight Senators voted to move forward on global warming legislation, with another six Senators who couldn’t be at the vote today going the extra step to enter statements that they would have voted “yes.” In all, 54 Senators spoke up for the need to advance serious legislation on global warming.
“The National Wildlife Federation thanks Senator Sununu for joining the fight to confront global warming, jumpstart New Hampshire’s clean energy economy, and protect our children’s future.
“The National Wildlife Federation is disappointed that Senator Gregg supported efforts to block continued debate on the Climate Security Act. New Hampshire faces serious threats from global warming, and we encourage Senator Gregg to do everything possible to address this urgent problem.”

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Toads at full trill and lilacs in full bloom.

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More moose than antlers, a fishing streak and a heat wave breaks today.

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