New Hampshire Wildlife News
by Certified Wildlife Biologist, Eric P. Orff

New Hampshire Nature Notes
by Eric Orff

Summer has settled into New Hampshire.

Thursday 07/07/2022

And just like that it is summer. So far not like the summer of 21 when July brought a deluge of rain somewhat quenching the drought, we were in. And here we are THIS summer back into a drought situation. Classified yesterday as Moderate for most of the state. And what is a "Moderate" drought anyways. State says:
-Some damage to crops and pastures.
-Streams, reservoirs, or wells low
-Some water shortages developing or imminent
-Voluntary water-use restrictions requested
-Hay and grain yield lower
-Honey production declines.
Unless we soon have a repeat of last July it sure looks like we are in for a cooking this summer. And I don't mean on the grill.  Rain of two days ago gave a splash of three-tenths of an inch in my rain gauges. Nothing to brag about but at least a refreshing dampening. We started the year with a big snow deficit of 25 inches less of snow than average. Though cold and seemingly wet we really didn't get much rain even this spring adding to our drought. I'm worried we are going into another summer that will see my local Wild Brook trout streams dry nearly completely up again. This would make the fourth year in seven for that to occur. In the 43 years I have lived here it has been within the last decade that we have seen these moderate to severe summer droughts while sprinkling in a few deluges here and there. I sure hope we have enough rain to keep the crops alive and growing. 
Summer birds and frogs are now calling. The red-eyed vireo is calling all day from his treetop high perch. The wren, another late bloomer, is still calling and raising a clutch a few yards from my back deck. Cuckoos are calling too. At wetland edges the bullfrogs are now serenading by evening with some strumming of green frogs still mixed into the nightly chorus. Crickets will soon to be following. Yes, summer has settled in around here now. . 
On another note. Nothing like a car show on a warm summer's eve. I've been a member of the New Hampshire Climate Action Campaign for a while now. You know for me it's the "Moose Thing". And trout thing and cod thing. Well, we are hosting a "Lets Flood the Epsom Circle Roundabout Thursday evening July 21st from 7 to 8 pm with Electric Vehicles." Yes, if you drive an electric vehicle bring it to the Epsom Circle July 21st. and bring the future for us to see. Let this be:
The Beginning of the Ending of the ICE vehicle AGE!

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Sierra Club Kathy Corkery is Wild in NH. (VIDEO)

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Bear Brook State Park Civilian Conservation Corps is Wild in NH. (VIDEO)

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